import { OidcClientSettings, OidcClientSettingsStore } from "./OidcClientSettings"; import { WebStorageStateStore } from "./WebStorageStateStore"; export interface UserManagerSettings extends OidcClientSettings { /** The URL for the page containing the call to signinPopupCallback to handle the callback from the OIDC/OAuth2 */ popup_redirect_uri?: string; popup_post_logout_redirect_uri?: string; /** The features parameter to for the popup signin window. * default: 'location=no,toolbar=no,width=500,height=500,left=100,top=100' */ popupWindowFeatures?: string; /** The target parameter to for the popup signin window (default: "_blank") */ popupWindowTarget?: string; /** The URL for the page containing the code handling the silent renew */ silent_redirect_uri?: string; /** Number of milliseconds to wait for the silent renew to return before assuming it has failed or timed out (default: 10000) */ silentRequestTimeout?: number; /** Flag to indicate if there should be an automatic attempt to renew the access token prior to its expiration (default: false) */ automaticSilentRenew?: boolean; validateSubOnSilentRenew?: boolean; /** Flag to control if id_token is included as id_token_hint in silent renew calls (default: true) */ includeIdTokenInSilentRenew?: boolean; /** Will raise events for when user has performed a signout at the OP (default: true) */ monitorSession?: boolean; monitorAnonymousSession?: boolean; /** Interval, in ms, to check the user's session (default: 2000) */ checkSessionInterval?: number; query_status_response_type?: string; stopCheckSessionOnError?: boolean; /** Will invoke the revocation endpoint on signout if there is an access token for the user (default: false) */ revokeAccessTokenOnSignout?: boolean; /** The number of seconds before an access token is to expire to raise the accessTokenExpiring event (default: 60) */ accessTokenExpiringNotificationTime?: number; /** Storage object used to persist User for currently authenticated user (default: session storage) */ userStore?: WebStorageStateStore; } export declare class UserManagerSettingsStore extends OidcClientSettingsStore { readonly popup_redirect_uri: string | undefined; readonly popup_post_logout_redirect_uri: string | undefined; readonly popupWindowFeatures: string | undefined; readonly popupWindowTarget: string | undefined; readonly silent_redirect_uri: string | undefined; readonly silentRequestTimeout: number | undefined; readonly automaticSilentRenew: boolean; readonly validateSubOnSilentRenew: boolean; readonly includeIdTokenInSilentRenew: boolean; readonly monitorSession: boolean; readonly monitorAnonymousSession: boolean; readonly checkSessionInterval: number; readonly query_status_response_type: string | undefined; readonly stopCheckSessionOnError: boolean | undefined; readonly revokeAccessTokenOnSignout: boolean; readonly accessTokenExpiringNotificationTime: number; readonly userStore: WebStorageStateStore; constructor(args: UserManagerSettings); }